Once you move to New York City you realize the star sighting etiquette and this etiquette is very importat to way of life here in Manhattan. WIth the abudance of your Nyc friends & neighbors all part of the Hollwood/Broadway work force, many of them have set there homes base to be here in Manhattan. As most sensible New Yorkers, they also have given up their vehicles to a pair of Converse or TOMS, which enables the opportunity of running into them to go up drastically. The ettiquete in NYC and especially in the UWS is to act at the best of your ability that you do not recognize them. The idea of running up to them in a sea of selfies, kisses and a barage of all out clothes ripping scenarios is really looked down upon here....
Saturday morning in Saigon, as we ventured out to take our motobike tour with www.xotours.vn . Which by the way I promise to have a complete blog entry on this tour. I am just waiting for the video that was taken to arrive.
Back to the tour... We were standing by the old post office. We noticed a mob of people wearing pink shirts and paparrazi surrounding a young lady and man. As you can see by the picture as soon as we noticed her, she noticed us.....
Minh Hang passing out water to the crowd.
Minh Hang finally notices the two of us standing near by watching.
And then it happens. She rushes over to get her photos taken with the two of us. This as happened from time to time as our week in Vietnam endoured. Many reasons why this could be happening both on the negative and positive aspect of the whole situation. Although, we feel it is best to just go along with it as you can see we did. We are sure we were in the Vietnamese papers and press the next day since the photo barage that occured possibly lasted for 5-7 minutes but as most things... we will have no idea...
Later we are told it is Minh Hang and Lương Mạnh Hải both very famous Vietnamese actors and singers....
And then.... Dr. Bayless and I hit the Vietnamese newspapers!
Michael Droege and Minh Hang Meeting for the first time.
Cheesing for water!
Dr. Robert Bayless, Michael Droege, and Minh Hang and Lương Mạnh Hải celebrating water!
Minh Hang our newest Vietnamese member of Gridskippers!