After a very long but easy flight with Japanese Airlines, from NYC to Tokyo and then Tokyo to Ho Chi Minh City, we finally arrived last night around 11 pm. Surprisingly it was not at all what I expected.
View from Hotel window on the 13th floor. When is the last time you stayed on the 13th floor?
The Airport at HCMC was extremely clean and the Visa process using my new friends at Vietnamsvisa was fast and efficient. As soon as we got off the plane, completely destroyed after the 24 hours of traveling, a young guy stood with our names on a poster waiting for us. He quickly took our visa applications and passports and about $45.00 and 5 minutes later we had are visas and were on our way to get our luggage. That process has been so difficult in the past, I was shocked how organized and quick the process was here.
As we exited the airport, one point of difference was all people waiting for their friends or loved ones to depart were not actually able to be inside the airport but waited on the street outside. So as soon as the glassdoors opened we were not just shocked from the extremely humid and hot tropical air that enveloped us immediatly but also the 100's of people waiting there passengers to arrive. Somehow in this sea of shouting and chaos again we saw our name outlined a small board and immediatly we were quickly escorted to their car and delivered to our hotel this week the Intercontinental Asiana.
11 hour time change is not an easy one to quickly get accustom but it is best to power through it with the help of coffee
view from breakfast
This morning we are being picked up at 9 to begin the business day visiting Key Surgeons and Hospitals in the area. Excited about this new adventure and opportunity here in Vietnam.